Unveiling the Truth: Marquee Fabric Joining Methods
In an industry sometimes overshadowed by exaggerated claims, we at Portland Marquees believe in a positive and evidence-based approach to our marquee design, steering clear of extravagant statements lacking substantiation.
Embarking on a series of Reality Check articles, we shed light on the pros and cons, allowing readers to discern the rationale behind our marquee design choices:
Stitching: In the realm of marquee fabrication, two methods reign supreme: stitching and welding. Delving into stitching, an antiquated technique often claimed to be fool-proof, we unveil the truth.
Back in the ’80s, the King family pioneered wax-proof clothing alongside marquee manufacturing. While waxed cotton seamlessly integrated the stitching for waterproofing, the same doesn’t hold for man-made fabrics like PVC, PE, poly/PVC, or nylon used in marquee roofs. Unlike breathable clothing with taped seams, stitching in marquees becomes a gateway for water to seep through or foster mould between PVC layers.
Dismiss notions claiming stitched seams don’t leak but are a result of condensation. In reality, condensation in marquees primarily forms on the metal framework, debunking such assertions.
Welding: Contrastingly, high-frequency welding epitomizes a technique akin to melting the layers together, creating a seamless, waterproof bond stronger than the original material.
Consider the analogy of inflatable structures. Stitched inflatables require constant inflation due to air loss through stitch holes, while welded inflatables remain airtight, allowing them to stay inflated without continuous intervention.
Conclusion: When confronted with a marquee roof labeled ‘commercial’ but stitched together, exercise caution. Unless the joins boast multiple overlaps akin to traditional canvas tents, the marquee may not meet the necessary standards and should be reconsidered.
Thank you for delving into the nuances of marquee fabrication with us.
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